Birthday: 12/7/2000
Favorite Food: Vanilla Ice Cream
Favorite subject in school: Science
Sports & Hobbies: Riding roller coaster & swimming
Favorite Book: Harry Potter
Favorite thing to do: Play Video Games
Favorite Yoga Pose: Child's Pose
Favorite Classes: Special Needs Yoga, Tween Total Body & just every Kids Night Out and Camp he can go to!!
What I like best about Yogi Kids... Making New Friends!

Yogi of the Month
Name: Neve Webster
Birthday: October 10th
Class: Tween Yoga, Tuesdays
Favorite Yoga Pose: Half Moon
Favorite Food: Popsicles
Favorite subject in school: Art
Hobbies/Sports: Soccer
Favorite Book: The Cupcake Series
Favorite thing to do: Bake
What I Like Best About YK classes: games!

Name: Reed
Birthday: April 21st 2006
Classes: Preschool Play since 2012, Kids Yoga, Kids Night Out, & Camps
Favorite Yoga Pose: Cat
Favorite Food: Cake
Hobbies: Loves to play with cars & the Wii
Favorite Book: Curious George
Favorite Movie: Curious George 2
Best Thing About Yogi Kids: Playing with friends! And getting treasure chest!

Name: Tara Buddhavarapu
Birthday: May 15
Class: Storybook Yoga, Tuesdays
Favorite Yoga Pose: Downdog
Favorite Food: Bowtie pasta with Pesto, strawberries
Favorite subject in school: Math
Hobbies/Sports: Art/crafts and Soccer
Favorite Book: Go Dogs Go
Favorite thing to do: Do Art while traveling and traveling all over the world!

Birthday: August 16, 2005
School:Explorations Preparatory School- 2nd grade
Favorite Pose: Shoulder stand
Favorite Food: Pizza and Ice Cream
Favorite Subject in School: Science and Art
Favorite Thing To Do: Swim and Watch TV
Best thing about Yogi Kids Classes: Shavasana and Squishy Ball!

Birthday: 4/26/01
Favorite pose: the ones he makes up!
Favorite food: homemade chix nuggets
Favorite subject in school: Science
Hobbies: Lego
Favorite book: Little Quack
Favorite thing to do: make pottery
Favorite color: aquamarine
What I like best about YK: Seeing Ms. Liza!!!

Birthday: July 7
Favorite Class: Storytime Yoga
Favorite Pose: Cobra
Favorite Food Chicken Nuggets
Favorite Subject in School: Math
Hobbies/Sports: Basketball & Reading
Favorite Book: Thrown of Fire
Favorite thing to do: READ!
What I like best about Yogi Kids classes: Learning all the different poses!

Birthday: July 19,2004
Class: Explorations After School
Favorite Yoga Pose: Warrior
Favorite Food Bacon
Favorite Subject in School: French, Music, Art, & Science
Hobbies and Sports: Lacrosse, soccer, tennis, legorobotics & YOGA!
Favorite Book: Captain Underpants Series
Favorite thing to do: Playing X-Box
What I like best about Yogi Kids Classes: Learning all the different poses

Birthday: 1/7/2003
Favorite Yoga Pose: Warrior
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite subject in school: Science
Sports & Hobbies: Taekwondo
Favorite Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Favorite thing to do: Play Mindcraft
What I like best about Yogi Kids... Ms. Liza!

Shruti & Ruthika
Birthday: April 25,2003
Class: Liberty Elementary
Grade: 3rd
Favorite Food: Pizza
Hobbies and Sports: Yoga & Basketball
Favorite Book: Ramona & Beezes
Favorite Thing to do: READ!
Favorite thing about Yogi Kids classes: "Everything, especially the quishy ball!"
Birthday: July 16,2003
Class: Liberty Elementary
Grade: 3rd
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Subject in school: Social Studies
Hobbies & Sports: Yoga & Basketball
Loves to read: Comic books
Favorite thing to do: Watch TV & Read
Favorite thing about Yogi Kids classes: "I love partner poses and that we do lots and lots of stuff."

Birthday: Feb. 23rd
Class: Sonshine Kids
Favorite Pose: Down Dog
Favorite Food: Blueberries
Favorite thing to do: Play Wii
What I like best about Yogi Kids: "I like the yoga games."

Jessica Langridge
Birthdate: 2/2/2000
Class: Liberty Elementary Wednesday Class
Favorite Yoga Pose: Side Angle
Favorite Food: Cheese Burgers
Favorite Subject: Math
Sport of Choice: Soccer
Favorite Thing to do: Play soccer
What I like best about Yogi Kids classes: "It feels awesome!"

Ava & Aditi
Birthday: Aug.16th
Favorite Food- Spaghetti
Favorite Subject in school- Recess
Favorite Sport- Soccer
Favorite thing to do- Read!
Favorite Yoga Pose- Gazelle
Birthday: May 4th
Favorite Food- ice cream
Favorite Subject in school- Math
Favorite Sport - Tennis
Favorite thing to do- Play with friends
Favorite Yoga Pose- Gazelle

Bridlewood Elementary
Favorite Yoga Pose: Twisted Chair
Favorite Food: Ice cream
Favorite Subject: Math & Social Studies
Sports: Soccer & Gymnastics
Favorite thing to do: Swim

Fav. Color: Orange
Fav. Food: Ice cream
Fav. Movie/Show: Star Wars
Fav. Yoga Pose: Lizard on the Rock!
Fav. Chore: Cleaning up my room
Fav. Sport: Soccer & baseball
When I grow Up I want to be.... A car salesman!